I Am A Male, Why Does It Hurt To Urinate After Sex?


9 Answers

Sam Easterbrook Profile
Sam Easterbrook answered
It is not common for a man to suffer pain when urinating after sex and there could e a number of reasons why this occurs. It could be that you have damaged the penis at some stage during sex, sometimes it is possible to tear a muscle which can then be painful when passing water. This is relatively harmless and should repair itself over a period of time.
Another reason pain may occur is if there is some semen stuck in the urinary tract after ejaculation. This will cause pain when urinating as it is causing a blockage and will mean there is not enough room for the urine to pass through the tract. This will usually dislodge and may be loosened the next time you have sex.
One reason you suffer pain could be an infection. Some men suffer an infection of the urinary tract which causes a burning and stinging sensation when urinating. If you feel you have an infection you must see a doctor as a course of antibiotics will be required to clear it up. If you have been having unprotected sex it could also be that you have caught a sexually transmitted infection. Again, if this is the case you will need to seek medical advice, either from a doctor or a clinic which specializes in sexually transmitted Infections.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The pain during urination after having sex can be due to infection or because of the fact that some semen stuck up in the urinary tract which block the passage of urine and cause pain or burns. It will be good to see a doctor and get possible advice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My husband says after sex it hurts his penis. It hurts for him to urinate and burns and stings sometimes a few days. When he used the condom he said he had no pain. What could be the cause of this and what should we do?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have been checked 3 times for std and everything clear, the doc gave me pills for an uti which did nothing, its been 7 months now, I want to start a life with my partner been one month but I'm afraid to go without a condom in case I give her the same problem. Hurts to pee after I cum and mild pain always but get this it does not hurt to pee at all when I drink beer. Can someone please help.
Melissa Profile
Melissa answered
If it is painful for a man to urinate ofter sex every time... You most likely have an infection or std and should see a doctor and get tested
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are you using a condom? I know that every once in blue moon when I use a Trojan condom (forget what type) it burns afterwards. Usually just one time. After the first piss everything is fine. So it might be an allergic reaction to the spermicide they use or whatever else my be on it. Never had the burning when I used other brands or went without protection with my long term gf.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am male and it has always hurt if I pee within 5 minutes of sex, it´s normal just wait it out or tough it out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The cure is lavender flowers ginger and fresh sage. Eat them for a few days and it goes away forever.

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