Omer Butt answered
Yes, that is the biggest mistake anyone can ever commit(i.e., loving a subordinate) but then such things are ruled by heart & not by mind. To go for this relationship you should first of all behave like "TO GOOD TO BE TRUE PERSON" i.e., you should start with human's basic "TO GET ATTRACTED NEEDS", although they are very difficult to be practised by everyone but some of them are:
- Socializing with her,
- Treat all of her bad habits like they don't even appear to be bad at all,
- Appreciate her in everything she do(doesn't matter how much you dislike those things)
- If she is in trouble , even because of her BIG mistake, be with her & treat her like that mistake was of very minor nature & not worth that much trouble.
- NEVER joke with her too much(As making joke will develop feelings for you as a friend & not lover/boyfriend)