My Daughter Is 8 And She Is About 4 Feet, 9 Inches Tall. She Keeps Asking If There's Anything We Can Do To Stop (or Low Down) Her From Growing Taller?


7 Answers

patrick mc mullan Profile
I would suggest that you just let her know how lucky she is and that most models would give their eye teeth to be tall. Emphasise all the bonus points about being tall. She will always get picked for girls basketball and netball teams while at college. She would make a great goalie in soccer too. She will be easy to find in a crowd and will see things ahead before anyone else. So I would encourage her to look for the positives.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
don't be acting like all women are all that. Just cause you are short doesn't mean that you look less beautiful, so teach your daughter a different lesson on what others feel!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hear, hear! To all the answers thusfar.

Your daughter is at a very vulnerable age, where she is going to be concerned about and feeling a little awkward at any (real or perceived) difference between her and her peers. I wouldn't be surprised if she's already heard comments from other kids about her height, or experienced some teasing. Your daughter 's concerns can be helped by your loving reinforcement of her value and beauty in general, and this may be even more important coming from her father, whom she obviously has reason to trust and respect. Also I want to mention that I was 4ft 9 in tall when I was the same age as your daughter, and as an adult I am 5ft 9in, so no one can accurately predict accurately what her adult height will be.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
You're most welcome. Hang in there with her, daddy--she's fortunate to have your love and support. :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
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tricia Michael Profile
tricia Michael answered
I don't understand this, this is the second question like this today. Tell your daughter she is beautiful. Models have to be over 6' or they don't get jobs. Tall women are beautiful women. If there is a growth problem that needs to be decided by a Dr. Please do not use any herbal or over the counter treatments. Take her to see a specialist if you really think there is a problem. I promise the boys will catch up and most of her friends will. God, makes us all different,and if it is a problem then a dr. Needs to handle it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There isn't anything you can really do to stop her growing but you should try to encourage her and support her. She really should consider herself to be very lucky I am the same height as your daughter and I'm 14. If you have any concerns you should maybe see a doctor or go on the NHS website where you might find some useful information.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Unfortunately, there is nothing to stop or start you from getting taller. There are kids out there that are just taller than others and could quite possibly be the tallest in the bunch, or she could sto[ growing now and stay this height for the rest of her life. She should take this height to her advantage! See if she sparks an interest for basketball. You could also talk to your doctor, who should have her height from all her ages in a file. She can estimate how tall your daughter will be full grown. Also, are you and your wife tall people? Is there anyone in the family who is tall? What was your history like? Your doctor will take this all into consideration.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Theres no way to stop growing tell her all the pritty girls are tall if that dose not wark babby sit down with her and talk

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