Each girl is different some don't even bleed but it shouldnt last long but it could hap;en each time you have sex for a while
It Will Bleed For The Same Day But Not To Long Though But It All Depends On The Girl Many Girls Are Diffrent Some don't Bleed But Some Do And It May Bleed a lot But No Worries It Only Last For A Day
Not long at all, the next time you have sex with that person it shouldn't happen again, she will be sore for a while but nothing too bad.
Not long at all, the next time you have sex with that person it shouldn't happen again, she will be sore for a while but nothing too bad.
About a week then you will stop and bleed lightly for a day or more
It depends baby... On how you were popped!!.. Usually it will stop for the day..
Well it goes upon how it happened and it should stop that same day!
One time I happen to stumble upon a lil' cherry and my toe started bleeding severely.
Ive never had my cherry popped because I don't have a cherry