What Is The Average Amount Of Times A Couple Will Have Sex Per Week?


24 Answers

Joe McHugh Profile
Joe McHugh answered
This is not the kind of question that you are likely to get an honest answer for; it seems that the majority of people have been conditioned to think that having sex constantly is the only way that you can be happy. It also makes people feel really inadequate because they usually believe that everybody has a better sex life than they do.

It is also a question that is difficult to answer because a lot depends upon a lot on different variables, such as how old the couple are and how long they have been in their relationship. People who are in a new relationship tend to have sex far more often than other people (regardless of age).

Rather than concentrate on other people’s sex lives, it is much healthier to concentrate on your own, and work towards having a sex life that satisfies both you and your partner. What is the right amount of times to have sex for one couple may be completely abhorrent to another and so an average holds absolutely no value whatsoever.

This doesn’t necessarily mean being tied to the same person (controversial though that may sound) because not everyone is monogamous, but it should mean that you are not high handed with other people’s feelings.

Your question is usually the kind that is asked by someone who is not happy with their sex life because they feel that there is something lacking in their own; or by someone who thinks that they are a bit of a sexual athlete and wants others to know about it. Either situation is ridiculous: The second for obvious reasons, and the first because, if you are not happy, do something about it rather than make comparisons.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well... Me and my bf usually have sex.. Two or three times a night... And once or twice in the morning.. Just about every day of the week... And if I'm on my period.. He gets like.. 2 or 3 blowjobs a day.... Usually one in the morning and 2 at night
Robert Wagner Profile
Robert Wagner answered
Don't worry about averages we are not robots. You have sex when you or your partner has the desire to have sex. Period. If you go with averages you will wind up like most average couples. Divorced and unhappy!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It doesn't matter what the average is, as long as you both have the same numbers
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well my gf and I are young, we are each others first sexual partners and we have been together for about 2 years, I love her to death but we probably only have sex once a week, this leaves me feeling very unfullfilled but everyone is different but I wish I could have this mythical 4-5 times a week.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1st six months you can go 4 times a day....after then twice a week.
Surabathula Ramanand Profile
Most couples will have sex once in a week, if both are employees and they do not have much time to spare for sex they will be in tension to get early to bed for work the next day morning. If one person is an employee and the other is house wife they may have chance to spare for sex for two to three times in a week. As per my view, by participating in sex, both will have a great relaxation and they will be very active at least for one day.
Elizabeth Parker Profile

I've only been with my fiancé almost 2 years. Next month will make 2 and we NEVER have sex. Not my choice, his. Which is weird.. Never had a guy turn it down for 4-5 months.  Yes I'm serious. I've asked him if he was gay.. In a serious way.. I had a real talk with him.. I asked if he was bisexual. He didn't take offense because I told him I really wanted to calmly talk.. He said no to both. I've asked about 3 times because I don't get it. It's definitely been at least 4 months. His excuses are"I have a headache or I'm too tired"... EVERY day.. Why!!??

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I think this question is asked because the person just wants a reference point to have an idea what is normal. My guess is the younger you are and if you have no hang ups and love each other, it could be around every other day to 2-4 times a week. Average! The older you get and there are no health issues and you love each other it isn't as much, but you enjoy it just as much. It could be anywhere from 1 to 3 times a week. That's just average. There are variables to this.

inger narashiman Profile
It depends. If they are newly married then the average is 4 to 5 times; if a year or two then 2 to 3 times; if for above 2 and below 5 then once a week; if above 5 then once a month.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some weeks three, some weeks 6 some weeks 10 or more. Depends on when she has the period and also the time of week and the weather.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
National Statistics office recommends 8.3 times daily and twice this amount over the weekends.
Monkeys however enjoy a more active sex life with 9.6 times on week days and 19.7 on weekends. Monkey-Human intercourse varies within these limits.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Me and my lover are in college in separate towns. About two hours apart. When we see each other on the weekend, we usually have sex 2 times a day for three days. Its amazing.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its all depend upon the desire of both no matter how many times it seems to be end less...enjoy life
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is only a goat will have sex 5 times a week, this is while most of yur father get sick early at there time. Different kind of sickness. You wan to live long you need atleast 3 times a week and you will be fine. While you are not dog, even dog don't do it like that. Think of your life well, if you die now he or she will go, you know that?

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