That's sucks yin :/ but you're not the horrible one... The idiot who stole it is. Let's throw the evil shoes at him or her ....STAT ! :)
I got a new phone as a gift from my parents and it was stolen! I feel like I let my parents down! How do I stop feeling so horrible?
Ahhhh Yin! That's horrible news!
I can only imagine how disappointed you are. Best to report it stolen and cancel your phone service. You don't happen to have a tracking on that, do you?
You didn't let your parents down. It was just an unfortunate occurrence that was not your fault.
((((((((Hugs)))))))) 💟
Unfortunately, tis the season for this kind of misbehavior. So sorry, Yin, my friend!
Report it right away. See what their policy is about this type of situation.
If you were careless, I could see how you would feel that you were at fault. However, thieves are very adept at watching people, so someone was probably waiting for the right moment of distraction. Tell mom and dad that you were so very grateful for this gift and unfortunately, due to someone's thieving hands, you are no longer able to enjoy their gift. If the company will issue you a new one, tell them that. Otherwise, tell them that you're appreciative and are sorry that someone else benefitted from their generosity.
Then hand them a Chips Ahoy cookie. I was going to tell you to bake them cookies and then remember who I was talking to!! Lol. No offense!
Just tell yourself that the thief might die early due to exposure to phone radiation :D
Or would that make you feel worse? Idk, I have dark humor
Tell her it was an accident and you dropped the
I'm sure your parents know there are just some very creepy people out there. They will be upset FOR you, not WITH you.
You are the GIFT for your parents.