Has anyone every told you, you smell bad? How did they tell You?


9 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

Yep. A co-worker and I were building a rustic cabin in the middle of nowhere and we spent 9 days without any running water and used a generator for power. About 6 days into the ordeal, he looked at me and said "dude, you freakin' stink". 90 degree weather, no shower, we both stunk to high heaven.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

No but I've had some females tell me I smell good though. I'm a clean freak !

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

NO! Just like Rooster! I'm a clean freak!

But wait!

My mother only! Only because she was sensitive on two smells related to me. 1.My hair spray 2.My air freshener spray.

In the morning as i arrive to the kitchen to serve our breakfast! She's like! "you again! With those smells" sometimes with funny noises lol!

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

Although I'm a clean person.....in my line of work, "stink" is inevitable!

It's also a given amongst my coworkers and we all carry a stash of bath and body works hand sanitizer!

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

Well my friend offered me a piece of gum once and then didn't take one for himself. I don't think he was just in a generous mood; I took the hint lol

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Dr Johnson, who compiled the first English language dictionary, wasn't well known for his personal hygiene. It's said that when a woman complained, "You smell, Dr. Johnson," he replied, "No madam, YOU smell; I stink."

KB Baldwin Profile
KB Baldwin answered

My wife once in a while when I come in from performing some particularly nasty task (unloading a load of chicken droppings for example).  It is usually accompanied with "Get out of those clothes and take a shower NOW!

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