I used to buy it for my wife as gifts and felt a little uncomfortable the first time. A good sales person will make a man feel at ease when making a lingerie purchase.
Doesn't bother me
Nope! There's always online stores, though, if you're uncomfortable. Makes it easier too.
Not at all. In fact I used to work in the lingerie dept. Of a store. There was only one customer in the 3 or so years I worked in that dept. That creeped me out.
No never did.
Love buying lingerie.
I do, because that WOULD BE CREEPY . . .
Hence why I am banned from "Victoria's Secret" . . .
I should add that I jest in this regard . . .
No .. But then I buy a lot of it online .. Because it's cheaper .. Lol
Yes I do,and I think most of the girls do feel the same..Especially if the shopkeeper is a guy.Thats why online lingerie shopping is the best solution to this wierdness.