Why do people hate LGBT don't they not think that if people had a choice, they wouldn't choose to be gay?
I don't think the majority of people do ... I think those who have hate in their hearts have the loudest voice sometimes figuratively speaking ...cos it's annoying and peirsing ( peirsing is the right word aye ? ). Just let them yell then.. And pay them no mind :) like a child having a temper fit their voices will fade :)
I don't have anything against LGBT, but I don't like that term, because I feel like it separates people who aren't straight, or comfortable in their own gender from everyone else. I am neither lesbian, bisexual or transgender, but I do feel that they are treated unfairly, and some people see them as not human or sinners. I think it's mainly because those people are too short-sighted and stubborn to empathise with anyone else who's not considered 'normal' by them.