What is the greatest sacrifice you've ever made for love? I took Mrs Didge to see Mamma Mia and sat through it because I thought she was enjoying it. After the show she admitted that she only sat through it because she thought I was enjoying it. We suffered equally. What about you?


4 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

17 years of my life to the ex-wife. Biggest sacrifice I've ever made.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Hate to say this but I took my ex wife to see that same movie version. I suppose it was good but I had to stay awake. Luckily for me, I stashed a couple of beers in her purse. Loved the sound of the empty cans rolling down the aisles! LOL

13 People thanked the writer.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Wonderful foresight, Rooster. I should have taken booze, too. But the rolling cans were a nice touch. :)
Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn commented
Just the way they sounded clinking down made me laugh ! Course it also gave me an excuse to go to the bathroom a bunch also !
Charles Davis Profile
Charles Davis answered

I went to Christmas service at church with my wife and her uncle and aunt.

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View all 4 Comments
Charles Davis
Charles Davis commented
LOL, there was one bright side however, the HOT bornagain sitting 2 seats away from me.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Always a diversion, Charles. God sends us our little rewards if we visit his house. :)
Charles Davis
Charles Davis commented
Yes Didge, his Noodleness is so loving. I was just enjoying some of his bounty as I was typing.
Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Hah great story!

My latest challenging sacrifice was going to see my girlfriend's favorite band play live.

They were pretty good, but not worth the 4 hour queue to get a good standing place near the front, plus another couple of hours waiting in the freezing cold by the exit just to talk with the band members.

Oh and we're going to see them play again in February. Hooray!

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