
If you were in a relationship to where you had to chose between comfort or passion, which would you chose?


7 Answers

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

My immediate answer would have been PASSION! Life without passion is far too dull.

But judging by a couple of the other answers from people who read the question from a different point of view, you may have been referring to romantic passion. Even in that case I'd look for passion: an excess of "comfort" can easily transpose into "deadly dull".

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

I choose passion; you might be surprised what you can get comfortable with. 

Comfort seems a consolation prize by comparison. 

6 People thanked the writer.
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Ain't that a fact. :(
Rath Keale
Rath Keale commented
That is a great perspective from two men who know all about this stuff.
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
I liken life to riding in a tunnel, you can't tell how long it's gonna last, but every twist and break of light makes it more worthwhile.
Not Online Anymore Profile


Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

As with all things in life, a balance is the only thing that will help you achieve true happiness.

Just like balancing on one leg, it's something you have to constantly work on. You can't just expect to find it with someone and have it last without having to wobble back and forth.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

If that were my only choice where one is without the other  .. I would choose neither.

A relationship is a complicated and complex thing ... And there is only one factor that is a must .. And it's not passion nor comfort .. It's 'balance'.  A relationship is an entity that involves 'stages' because it evolves as time goes on.  It never remains the same.  It's a juggling act (so to speak) to find a balance between the needs of both partners .. Needs that also evolve from moment to moment in the short term AND in the long term.  As each partner evolves as an individual so  does their relationship .. and only an steady focus on finding balance .. and common ground with they succeed as a couple.

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

From my point of you, the question is equal, because both of these factors completes each other, only the perspective of reaching it turns different. So our choices don't make much differences because these two factors are in the same team.

I'm a passionate person. Without passion life is useless to me, a total waste of time. With passion everything comes possible, with passion love grows, with passion you reach the highest joy, with passion you get connected closer & closer, with passion you fight harder, with passion you hardly give up, with passion you become stronger, with passion you get motivated, passion makes you more caring, with passion you reach the comfort.

Inside every comfort there's passion. Sometimes people learnt passion wrongly. They mistaken passion with craziness or even violent life. But that's not what passion is anyway.

Passion = extra care, extraordinary love, strong connection = comfort

The questions would be:

How can i be with someone without being passionate about them ? (passion is just a strong type of love)

How's that even possible that i be with someone without reaching the comfort zone ?

Both are needed & both exist into each other. There's a bit of comfort in passion, there's a bit of passion in comfort. The passion creates the comfort while the comfort balance the passion & makes the relation keep going strong.

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