
How accurate are doctor's height predictions. She said I will be just under 6' but I haven't really grown in 6 months since that. I'm around 5'8" and I'm 15?


2 Answers

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

As accurate as any random person off the street.

All they can do is make an estimate, based on your parents' height.

But remember ... Regular people have "dwarf" kids, and "dwarf" parents have regular kids.  So it's all a crap shoot.

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

In general "height predictions" are really a guessing game. If you could come up with an algorithm taking into account a person's DNA, their environment, their eating habits, their culture, the possibility of sickness and disease, you might have a good "guess". 

A long used formula from the past was: Take your father's height inches (or cm) and add it your mother's height in inches (or cm). Divide the total by 2. If you are a male add 2 inches (or cm) if you are female subtract 3 inches (or cm). Supposedly the total remaining will be your height (or very close to it) at age 25. It was close for me. I was one inch taller than the prediction, 5'7". It didn't work for my brood. You would think their mother was 8 foot tall. Mother was 5'3" and they all turned out over 6'. Who knew. (Yes I was and still am their biological father).

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