
Why can't I stop cheating?? I have several online girlfriends because I'm too much of a softie and can't help falling for them... and I love them all equally tho, and I don't feel guilty about it. What's happening to me?


4 Answers

Chidera James Profile
Chidera James answered
If you enjoy being with so many women you love equally,  you're probably going to end up as a polygamist, nah just kidding. But why don't you meet someone in real life and fall in love?, you're proud to state that you have many online gfs. These women/girls are humans too, they a heart just like you and your breaking it. Why don't you just end the relationships rather than cheat on them, besides you don't know them personally, you could be getting catfished. Very rarely do online relationships last anyway, you're not a child, stop playing these ladies, get off the internet and step into the real world, perhaps you'll find someone you love to much to cheat on.
Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

This has nothing to do with being 'soft' .. However, 'weak' may be more of fitting term.

Regardless of what the 'term' is .. You obviously have some issues about keeping your word and making a commitment.  You are finding what YOU want out of these 'relationships' but offer nothing in return.  If you feel you can not commit to any single relationship and are lying about it to these girls .. then therein lies your problem.  Do NOT enter into a monogamous relationship .. period.  The problem in not your having many relatlionships, it's lying to your 'partners' about your monogamous commitement that is the problem.

You can call it selfish, self centered, weak .. There are many terms that might fit your senario .. Perhaps you should work on calibrating your own moral compass before you enter into or continue ANY relationship.

Nice Girl Profile
Nice Girl answered

This is because you haven't met them actually and so you don't have what is known as solid feelings , so you are just taking it as a joke and you don't really care! But I think you should just get back in the friend zone with them and tell them the truth. I bet you will feel way better!

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