You're obviously not married. I'm used to not being listened to.
It doesn't matter whether you're a Christian or not, the problem is the same. If you're talking to somebody and they're not listening it means either that they're not interested in your subject, they're not interested in YOU, or they would love to be somewhere else.
I used to get the 6.00 am train to work and a neighbour always sat next to me. I would try to read a book and he would rabbit on about all manner of imaginary woes. Then, one morning, he said, "How come you're always so cheerful at this time of the morning?" And I replied, "I have one rule that I never break. I never talk to whingers before 9.00 o'clock." He never sat next to me again.
Your friend might be trying to tell you the same thing. Try finding a mutually interesting topic to talk about.
Remember always what J.D.McDonald said: "A boor is somebody who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company.: