
My bf has had a lot of experience and I haven't done... Anything. What do I do?


3 Answers

HelpStop AnimalAbuse Profile

Take it slow & don't feel pressured into doing anything until you are ready. If he truly loves you he will wait until you are ready. Making love is exactly that "Making Love". It's not just sex. It's important that it's a great experience for both of you.

Allo Vera Profile
Allo Vera answered

Take it slow. Experience means nothing. I dated in my 30's and met a 35 year old man who'd had long term relationships like me and couldn't kiss for toffee. I thought he was trying to give me a tonsillectomy.   You tend to work at things together and achieve what's right for you both.

Slicer Badger Profile
Slicer Badger answered

So what if he is experienced that's even better.. Just tell him then let him know and ask if he can give you tips.. It will turn him on if you ask him how to give better sex

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