Every year at New Year, I always make a list of 'things I am going to change this year'. Every year I put on that list to eat more healthily and to exercise more. I know it is a common one!
I always have problems keeping these easy goals as:
- I am quite naturally quite slim and so I think, I am not fat so I can eat this.
- If it is cold weather so I have no motivation to exercise.
- I love food and all its flavours.
- I have no willpower or dedication.
I do not have much time on my own as I have 2 small children and by the time my husband comes home from work I am worn out and all I want to do is sit down. So I have an action plan:
- This year I have made myself a rota, so I can schedule in exercise time.
- I am also saving for a running machine so if there is bad weather I can still exercise without going out in the cold!
- I am going to try to not snack, which is by far my biggest problem. I just can't help myself - every time I am in the kitchen, I just have to nick something.
- The willpower is a hard one. I have a dedicated husband who is very healthy and good so I know he will nag me to make sure I am not straying from my goals. On the flip side I also have 2 children who have a box full of chocolates that are screaming my name!
- I am still going to enjoy food, just at the correct times and maybe substitute full-fat or sugary ingredients with more healthy ones.
I will change my ways this year!