I found out a friend of mine lied through another friend. I am sad. How can I tell her that I know she lied without bringing up my other friend?


2 Answers

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

I would say to her I heard through the grapevine that you like to lie.. She says to you , who told you that one? Oh word gets around and if she keeps hounding you, tell her well I am just leaving it at that for now, I rest my case.

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

I think Dances With Wolves answer is a good solution. I'd also add that, even if you don't directly tell this person that you know they've been lying about you, making them feel like you know what's going on may be enough to make them feel guilty and keep quiet.

Having said that, sometimes it's best when things are out in the open.

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