What can I do because I'm bitting my nails which I don't want to do. What are some ways to stop?


4 Answers

Jojo A. Profile
Jojo A. answered

Keep checklist  and a nail file on hand and when you get the urge, substitute them for chewing and changing the looks of your fingernails. DECISION belongs to your brain not your mouth.

Morgan Fondren Profile
Morgan Fondren answered

I had that same problem. It seems that the reason people bite their nails is because they are bored -  so I just got a piece of string and played with that.  It keeps your hands busy. It broke me of that habit. I really hope this helps

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

I used to do that too! Now that I have long nails, though, it feels weird when I have to file them down. Like Morgan said, try finding something else to do with your hands. I would also suggest wearing clear nail varnish because this makes it harder to bite your nails. You can also buy clear varnishes that are designed to help your nails grow and stay strong and healthy. Good luck :)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

You could have an underlying anxiety issue; you have learned to cope with using nail biting to expend the additional energy and allow for stress release. You should look into what triggers your anxiety and nail biting habit.

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