
What is a cute paragraph to get your ex back?


3 Answers

Chloe Corkhill Profile
Chloe Corkhill answered

It's very ambitious of you to try to get your ex back using only a 'cute paragraph.' If you're really set on doing this, follow the tips below on writing romantically to the person you love:

Write from the heart

This is the number one rule when writing to get your ex back. Be honest! Say how you REALLY feel. It might take you a while to even know how you feel but if you spend some time working it out, your end piece of writing will be more compelling, more touching and infinitely more heartfelt.

Use metaphors and similes, with caution

"Your hair is like a sheet of molten lava flowing hotly down your mountainous shoulders." There's a fine line between poetry and pretentiousness people. Don't be a douche.

Double check your grammar

No one wants to receive a lovingly written piece littered with awful grammar, diabolical punctuation and lousy spelling mistakes, Run it through Spellcheck, have a friend read it through or post it on Blurtit! Just don't send your loved one substandard romantic missives.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

My problem was very difficult and it made me come to a very close to giving up but I am happy that i have a fantastic result about my spell: Only 5 days after started it all. Never in my life have I thought magic would work so fast. My man started acting completely different after we came back together, we make love everyday (last weekend, we did it 8 times in total!). Now I can say that zula spells work! I can now say I feel happy once again, and like never before. It felt good to have my lover back, Thanks to zula.

Breakup Help Profile
Breakup Help answered

you can get better information to get your ex back

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