
My wife and I don't have sex very often. She seems to have a low sex drive. I love her and I don't want to leave, but I'm struggling to remain faithful because of my needs. We also have two children which adds pressure to the situation. Help?!


4 Answers

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

Some friendly out around the house, cleaning and spending more time with the children. Women are often overwhelmed with all that they have to do. Sometimes with all that pressure, sex isn't even on the radar.

Consider a date night. Book a baby sitter and a hotel room. Do it up with dinner, flowers and a bottle of wine.You might get lucky :)

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous , Missy, answered

Well if I were you I'd spice things up a little. Find someone who you both can trust to watch the kids and take her somewhere that will remind her that you love her and maybe flirt more then usual. When you get home if you can be her prince take her by surprise maybe do something sexy you usually wouldnt, maybe buy some new sex toys or find some new positions she'll like. Like I said "Spice it up!"

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

Talk to her and explain the situation youre in here and see if you two cant come to some compromise. Also you may try Marriage Counseling as usually when this happens there are sometimes some under lying problems within the marriage so this may not be all her fault so sit down and talk if you remember how to do that. Good luck

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

You need to talk to her without threatening to go elsewhere. Ask what you can do to help her manage her day/life so she has more time for you. Also, planning a date night once or twice a month, or if you can swing once a week, so all you do is focus on each other. (No talking about the kids!) If money is an issue, team up with another couple to switch off babysitting duties so they can have a date night too. You can pack a picnic or just go for a walk and unwind.

If it is more than getting time together, she may to see her doctor. There are medical reasons for a low sex drive. Also make sure you help around the house. Even is she is a stay at home mom, doing chores and chasing after kids can be exhausting. I have no kids, but my husband stands a much better chance of getting lucky if he cleans the kitchen.

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