This sort of shower isn't appropriate since the idea for hosting a shower is for the bride to open gifts and involve her nearest and dearest and get them excited about the upcoming event. None of that can be done without the bride being present. Plus, it isn't considered appropriate for relatives (unless a member of the bridal party) to host these types of gift giving events for the bride. Many guests are getting sick of all the gift grabs going on today and due to those feelings, many people are giving up the traditional shower or going giftless. So, in your case, probably the best thing to so is to forget the shower, More bridal shower ideas ...
I Need Wording For A Wedding Shower Invitation When The Bride Won't Be Able To Attend, Can You Help?
Here you go
1.The E-Commerce Shower
2.The Amazing Technological Breakthough In History The(Internet) Web Cam Shower
Come One come all to the 21st Centery Shower
I Hope I'm not to Late,since you asked 9/mo ago
4m Lance In Seattle
1.The E-Commerce Shower
2.The Amazing Technological Breakthough In History The(Internet) Web Cam Shower
Come One come all to the 21st Centery Shower
I Hope I'm not to Late,since you asked 9/mo ago
4m Lance In Seattle