
My Girlfriend Has A Very Nice Butt. Can I Touch Her Ass Without Asking?


5 Answers

Lucy Burroughs Profile
Lucy Burroughs answered
That depends on many things - in particular, how long you've been dating, how old you both are, how you intend on touching it, and whether or not she minds if you do.

Age, Relationship Length and Relationship Level
If you're young, your girlfriend might feel sexually threatened by you touching her ass. She may see it as you angling for sexual contact of some description. If all you've done is kiss, it's best if you ask her if she minds you touching her ass before trying. It's also unlikely that your girlfriend will approve of you grabbing her butt if you only started dating ten minutes ago.

Usually, in a relationship where you're sexually active, affectionately touching her ass when you give her a hug is acceptable. Still, it's always best to find out.

How Do You Want To Touch Her Butt?
Just grabbing and squeezing is likely to earn you a slap. If you're hugging, or if you have your arm around her, dropping your hand a little and resting it on her ass should be okay. Slipping your hand into her back pocket is often fine, too. Just don't treat your girlfriend like a butt with a body attached - she's a human being, so don't objectify her. You can still touch her ass without making her feel disrespected.

Make Sure She Likes It. If your girlfriend moves away from your hand when you try to touch her ass, take that as a sign that she doesn't like it, and don't try it again. If you're in any doubt, just ask her if she minds.
Amanda Layne Profile
Amanda Layne answered

If you're going out, you don't need to ask permission every time you grab your girlfriend's butt.

But if she signals that she doesn't want you doing that, you better quit it or receive a backhander.

Personally, I have no problem with guys grabbing my ass but every girl is different. You gotta respect the rights of the individual or else

Man FromRussia Profile
Man FromRussia answered

Sure you can it.Just do it and relax

Mathew Keena Profile
Mathew Keena answered
No. Always ask unless she tells you or hints that she wants you to.

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