Does It Mean A Guy Likes You If He Developes Rude Behaviour Round You?


2 Answers

Joan Profile
Joan answered
It would more than likely mean that he is a rude, inconsiderate person & possibly a mean person. Why anyone would find that appealing is beyond me. Surely, you are not thinking that you are interested in someone that displays such behavior?? This is not the type person you want to become involved with. Often, it is that type of ill mannered, selfish person that is the one that ends up hurting the person he is involved with. Run the other way, my dear.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If a guy develops rude behavior around you, It doesn't mean that he likes you. If being rude is his way of hiding the fact that he likes you, then he is an immature person. Wait until he becomes mature enough to behave like a normal person would before considering liking him back.

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