Why Do Brothers And Sisters Fight ?


15 Answers

Sarah jessica Profile
Sarah jessica answered
Brothers and sisters fighting is almost a norm everywhere in the world. Siblings fighting or arguing over the pettiest of things is really okay and cool. They don't mean to demean or harm anyone. There is just a need to clear out and simplify an assortment of issues. Besides this, fights and arguments amongst siblings really help in bringing the siblings together and them sharing an exceptionally strong mutual bond. This aids them in understanding each others' personalities better!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We probably fight so much because we annoyed each other so much we souled have fun not fight it might be hard at frist but you can do it never give up if your getting anoyed ignore and the they will see its not annoying you so their will stop right now I'm grounded and mad at my sister learn from this experience don't let it happen to you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think brothers and sisters fight because one might feel diffrent by the other...
suman kumar Profile
suman kumar answered
It is very usual with our brother;s & sisters, I fought with my elder sister when we were very much young, once she got married , we became close.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is normal for your brothers and sisters to fight  because sometimes you just disagree on a topic and make a commotion but it all turns out all right
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I think they can't stand not being equal. So if one gets something good that makes you jealous, but if they get something bad they want to fix it. But maybe they just don't want to compete so they fight and lock themselves up.
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
Yes, that probably has a lot to do with it; everybody wants to be their parents' favourite, outshine the others and so on. And also, you are sharing a (usually) quite small space with people you didn't choose to be with...

One good thing though, I think - after all the fighting, you can find that you are closer to your siblings later in life than you are to anyone else. Maybe in the end, all that fighting helps you understand each other?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just think that sisters fight because they are with each other for a long time
but you should still love them
Me and my sister fought for years , It took 3 years and the death , of our mother , And we finally got our lifes together , And my moms death , Is what woke us up.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm one of a triplet so it is hectic for three the same age and seeing each other all the time. We fight a lot but after a while we laugh it off. Wee get irritated with each other so I think thats one reason.. The other reason can be of boredom... Or about looks... There are a lot of reasons..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No one knows 4 sure it just happens natrually.I mean come on I can't even think of 1 family with siblings in it that don't fight at all.(this does not include adults). But in a way that is almost impossible to understand, fighting will bring you closer to your sibling when you get older. I mean come on, once in a while everyone has 2 let off a little steam.but trust me they don't want to hurt you you.unless they are some real jack***es. Oh and again pxssyboy I'm so sorry about your mom:(
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that brothers and sisters fight because in some sort of weird way that is our way of showing each other that we love the other. And another reason may be the different genders and age. But whatever the case may be I know that no matter what brothers and sisters can fight each other all they want but when push come to shove they got each others back no matter what

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