I think the child support should be split between the 2 families until the father reaches the age of 18 and then he should take over.
Of course, probably the best thing would be for the baby to be given up for adoption. I don't think any good can come from babies raising babies. They both lose … Read more
I remember watching these with my kids on Saturday mornings. They were great!! To bad there's nothing like this on now!! Probably not politically correct or something!!
Yes, I do. I had it drilled into my head when I was a kid that there were consequences for every action and word and to think about what could happen if I did something or said something. I still have that "voice" go off in my head when I say or do anything....More people … Read more
You know this could have several different answers depending on my mood at the moment!....In general though---nice, friendly, private, creative and loving.
I'd have to say the Fall....end of the hot weather, the mosquitoes are dead, the beautiful colors of the trees, that slight nip in the air that says Old Man Winter is just around the corner, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming, family get-togethers, able to drag out the sweatshirts (a personal favorite) and all … Read more
Sorry to disappoint but EVERYONE knows that cats are much smarter than dogs! I mean, all they do is sleep, get lovin' when they want it and get feed all kinds of good food and treats....Now THAT'S the life for me!!!...Check out the enlarged picture to get a good view! 

Sorry, I don't speak, read or write anything but English. Wish I did know another language--think it would be fun.
Love them but the green ones hate me!! Only way I can eat them is to use the red or yellow peppers. Love to "play around" with the filling and try new things there.
Follow the advice from the vet lady and in the meantime, watch CUJO and hope this doesn't happen to you!!
Prenatal is occurring, existing, or performed before birth.
Post-natal is occurring or being after birth or having to do with an infant immediately after birth.
Hope this cleared things up!
Kind of a mixed up question but think I know what you mean. Totally agree with Dr. Ann. Get you female spayed and keep her in the house. My town shelter just put down about 3 dozen cats and kittens and has now decided that they won't even come pick up cats anymore. To many … Read more
I agree, as long as the Nana's are soft to mash with a fork then they're ready to use. Don't forget to add the nuts!
Also, ripe mashed bananas can be frozen to use at a later date so there's never a banana wasted!
You can also get it from something as simple as a fly that has been crawling on the leaves. You can also get it from the clothing of someone who has been in it and from clothing that has been stored for many months that has come into contact with the plant.
Some people are … Read more
Chili cheese fries are awesome! I also like dipping fries in white chicken gravy--example: Like you get at Sonic or Dairy Queen with the chicken finger baskets.
You're making me hungry and it's almost time to go to bed! Now I'll be dreaming about food all night!! :)
Toasted is the only way to make a really good burger---And it does help hold everything together.
Tough question! Love my chicken noodle soup. Also, love my chicken and noodles with dumplings.
Guess the dumplings--just really like them a lot!
Hydrox cookies. Liked them much better than Oreos.
This is the link for the Google page that has bunches of ideas for this type of cake. Good luck, this is quite an undertaking!!
Congratulations! Are you having a themed or non-themed wedding reception or a relaxed get together with family and friends?
This will make a difference in what you serve.
Provide more info for better answer and I'll be glad to help!
Try this link about half way down the page as a starting idea. Of course, because she has no claws, you won't want to make it really tall.
Hope this helps!