I dont know exactly! I think just for pleasure or...if they are are attracted towards each other - that causes them do it!
It was a little to racy for TV. There was no reason for that kind of ad. Believe it or not underage kids watch the super bowl.
California is on two tectonic plates, the North American plate and the Pacific plate. Also these two plates are separated by the San Andréa's fault which is a strike slip fault. The plates rub against each other, and the crust in the zone deforms building up elastic strain.
When the stress builds up to its maximum … Read more
Guys aren't the only ones who tend to get shy around the opposite sex or people they are attracted to so don't feel unusual or different. While being a "social butterfly" might come natural for some people, others have to learn how to be comfortable around others.
I find that whenever I want to know how … Read more
Funnily enough, people have been wondering about the origin of the word "boobs" for years, but there is an answer to this question. The word "boob" is derived from the Spanish word "bobo" which means "stupid."
Funnily enough, people have been wondering about the origin of the word "boobs" for years, but there is an answer to this question. The word "boob" is derived from the Spanish word "bobo" which means "stupid."
I think this word has been pretty famous and so is spread all over the world! Even I wonder whats fun in taking a selfie but I think that it has now become a trend becoz any person u see takes a selfie so...thats why they take it!
While it is nice that you have found a beautiful woman who takes your interest, unfortunately it is against the law in most countries for teachers to date their students. If their students are of the legal age of consent (16 in the UK, 18 in the US) then it may not be illegal, but … Read more
You should report this to some adult you trust before something serious happens!
Take your dog to the vet! If you can't, call the vet and explain to the vet what pill he ate and what you have already given him, and ask them to further advise you.