
What Is The Measure Of A Man? (or Woman)


15 Answers

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
A really big man is measured by how tall he makes others feel around him. A successful man is not measured by money or his wealth but by his friends he has. A great person who is one who isn't interested in his own dreams but the dreams of others and helping them achieve them. Great people often stand alone but have a group of followers and will stoop down to help the smallest child in time of need Heroes are people who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for others to be safe
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
What a really great and meaningful answer. I think you are right on the mark! I was hoping for some good answers but you have given me a comprehensive, great answer.
Irmina Santaika
Irmina Santaika commented
I Love Ur Answer,- it's just Great! Bravo my friend!!! Warmest Regards, Irmina
Anonymous commented
Yes, great answer. One isn't truly happy until you can wish someone else happiness.
Irmina Santaika Profile
Irmina Santaika answered
It's a Simple Law code too... Love other people as well as you do yourself. You can’t go wrong when you love others...
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
We need to love everyone, as we are all one. To not love another is to not love yourself.
Irmina Santaika
Irmina Santaika commented
Yes Lily... When we Love, we Know our Existence and the Measure of a Human being Answers. Warmest Regards, Irmina
Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
I believe the measure of a person is how well he/she is thought of. You don't have to a captain of industry, the most interesting, the richest. There are many that stand out among us, but known privately is a a totally different matter. I think the measure of anyone is the convictions of their believes, truisms and faiths. The treatment of others, family, community.
carrie Profile
carrie answered
I had to stop and think about this one.
A good person always remembers their responsibilities and their promises. And fulfills them. A great person does this naturally and without expectations of praise or reward.
It's a difficult thing. We all want acknowledgment for our efforts and hard work. But some do good works only when being watched. Others motor on when the no one is looking.
The volunteers working the homeless shelters. The free legal and tax clinics. The soup kitchens. The teachers struggling to get more and more done with less and less.
I think when times get tough, people remember their communities and learn how to reach out a helping hand again. The true heroes never stopped helping.
I know there is more to the question but that's all I've got right now.
Mike McCarthy Profile
Mike McCarthy answered
Here's how I measure woman. I like them tall, slim & pretty. Oh yes, single too. Being smart helps too.
Jim Witness Protection Profile
The development of a consistent philosophy of how to approach life in a positive way so that there is no negative impacts left from your footprints. And no one on this earth has ever reached this plateau as a solo act.
Brian Reed Profile
Brian Reed answered
Only God can measure a mans worth. And to him we are all equal. All souls can either be saved or face eternal damnation. It is our choice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The ability to admit wrongdoing and make atonement. To acknowledge your own shortcomings and try to improve on them. Above all, not to sit in judgement of others and have the capacity to show love and understanding when needed. :)
greg c Profile
greg c answered
Matthew 25:35-36 "for I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me to drink, I was a stranger and you received me hospitably, naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, in prison I was and you came to me." we must all be "measured" by our altruistic words and behaviors.
Cyndi C. Profile
Cyndi C. answered
Theres probably a number of ways. Compassion is a big one.....Being a good listener is important. If your doing all the talking, your not going to learn a thing...And if your are to be a good LEADER---in whatever field that may be in, you must First be a good SERVANT...Remember, Jesus even washed His Disciples, cyndi
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Being a good listener is a great quality. Very few people are able to quiet themselves long enough hear someone or to acknowlege the beauty around them.
Irmina Santaika
Irmina Santaika commented
Yes, To Hear and to See with Heart is a Geat Quality of Human!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that what defines a great or successful person is someone who can attain happiness and contentment without material wealth. If you can do this, you are truly fortunate. The definition of happiness for most people is based upon having physical comfort and fullfilling there desires such as taking exotic vacations, owning a lavish home, or having a huge bank account. These are impermanent and superficial accomplishments and can be brought about by shrewd or astute application. The other happiness, which is founded on the attainment of a deeper mental contentment can only be brought about by true vision or enlightenment and by those who have a thorough realization. If you cannot release your own ego or if you are enslaved by desire or always longing you will be forever sad. (take for instance some of our world leaders...are they truly happy? No they are not. They want more, more power, more control, this is why we have war). Contentment is the source of genuine happiness and inner peace. If you can achieve this, you are a great person, a successful person, you will impact society, and to answer the other part of your question... I believe that a great person does stand alone in their success and is not dependant on outside factors or people, because true greatness has to come from inside and there is nothing on the outside that can influence you one way or the other. When you can ensure a balance between spiritual and secular needs you will achieve true happiness. When you can achieve true happiness you are surely successul.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Interesting take! A great person is not dependant on outside factors or people. I think that may be true but I also think that even the smallest insignificant person can have in influence on a person who goes on to achieve greatness. Maybe the influence is a teacher , a preacher or even a GRANDMOTHER. Who knows?
Anonymous commented
Oh, absolutely...a great mind can have an influence on someone absolutely. Like I stated in my answer, a person who achieves this will impact society. But what I mean, or I should say, how I feel is even that great mind isn't great until he has achieved a true state of realization himself...then he is capable of inspiring others.
Irmina Santaika
Irmina Santaika commented
I agree with Your Conception in 100%! When we Know how achieve True Happiness, we are surely in Successful line...
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Big question really. As all know my situation right now. (LOL) I am not a man hater, so here goes. Lol I think you can measure not by wealth, but by the wealth of his knowledge, patience, sensitivity, concern, thoughtfulness, being a presence in his personality. In his caring and sharing ways with people whom he loves, and spends his time with. Providing for his family if and when that happens to him, or her. Helping where needed, and being good to their loved ones.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Any man can measure through his personal  the only close  tell you a lot of his nature,he is caring or not ,a good lover ,here the money is also significance  without wealth we can not run our life but the most thing is that love,how he loves you really
Bob  Biehl Profile
Bob Biehl answered
A person is measured by mostly the opinion of others. Their family, friends & people they come in contact with. Also they are generally judged by how they perceive themselves & project that image. Personally I believe we are only as good as we treat others. If we always try to respect everyone the same way that we ourselves want to be respected & treated then we stand a chance of being the kind of person we want others to see us as. I believe that it takes being as Christ like as we possibly can be. By giving of ourselves we make our world a better place. Each one of us is responsible for how much better our part of the world will be for everyone around us.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
What a truly lovely answer! I think the part of the world around you must be a better place.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Quite simply and this is the honest gods truth..the measure of a man or woman isn't how many friends they have...or how many dollars or gold and silver they can accumulate..not even their own families....the answer????
What a man or woman can learn from this life...and then when god calls them
what that person can bring to god about their former life and how they helped their fellow people through hard times in that life...


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