I am transitioning from Male to female what do I have to look forward to in changes both physical and emotional?


3 Answers

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Well I guess physically you'll be the person you've always wanted to be and emotionally I guess you'll be happier. :)

Darren Wolfgang Profile
Darren Wolfgang answered

This woman is legit doctor DR Marci Bowers,  who operates and studies on patients who are transition from one gender to another gender here is her contact information my advice is contact her . She is working with Jazz who was once a Male and now trans over to a Female : http://marcibowers.com/contact-us/    

Email:  mail@marcibowers.com

Dr Marci Bowers 
345 Lorton Ave Suite 101

Burlingame, CA  94010

Ph:  650-570-2270

Fax:  650-570-2283

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