
So my ex cheated on me while she was drunk. Supposedly the two guys took advantage of her. She says she feels guilty. But idk what to believe. Idk what to do. My heart hurts. I need help. I need advice?


6 Answers

Joyce Hall Profile
Joyce Hall answered

I think the first step is for u to separate from her. If u r living together, move out) This will make it more clear for u to think.

Did the guys really take advantage of her or do u think that is an excuse? Only u can answer these questions bcuz u know her and we don't.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

You said she is your ex. Looks like you already made the decision....

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

If she is your ex.... She didn't cheat on you, period.

Either you put it out of your mind and move on, or stay miserable.

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

you have to find out if this is a normal "Pattern" of behavior or truly a one time thing. IF the men truly "Took advantage" have her define what this means . . . Because forcing themselves upon her is "Rape" and that word SHOULD weigh heavily within its own definition and not taken lightly as a "Get a out of trouble with boy friend" or "Having second thoughts to your actions the day after" . . . .

In this sense, It very well could mean, the guys knew she wasn't that devoted to you, and she likes to have sex and not be tied down to one person . . . It only takes alcohol to lower her inhibitions to fulfill these wants in her. If THIS is what she means in taking advantage of her, it's time to get out of this relationship because she will repeat this pattern of behavior.

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