Did i cheat on my long distance bf if i was playing (roleplay) to cuddle amd hug other other guys (cuz i was tryna be nice..i cheated On him once for someone at my school who i didnt rly like but i didnt kiss him or anything)?


3 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

You are playing with fire, that's what you're doing. Either you're committed to this guy or you're not. It's really that simple. If you are committed to him, you owe him your fidelity. 

If he were to come to you with the question you asked here, what would be your response if he was cuddling, etc. With other girls? Would you be fine with that or would it feel like he betrayed you? Therein lies your answer.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Well .. 1st of all .. If you don't understand what constitutes 'cheating' then you shouldn't even be in a commited relationship.

"Cheating" can come in many forms.  It is not always just of a sexual nature.  Intention is the key factor. You can even cheat emotionally. Being comforted by a friend or comforting a friend with a hug .. Is not innappropriate .. If done in a 'non sexual' way. In fact that is a natural interaction between two friends.  Full body contact "Cuddling" (on the otherhand), is nothing like a simple consoling hug.

In your case, yes .. You were engaging in 'inappropriate' conduct with someone in the form of 'play'  .. So YES THAT is cheating.

Shady Stellar Profile
Shady Stellar answered

He doesn't deserve you, please break up with him, set him free. You're not ready for a relationship #justsayin

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