I have had very few men I know complain about paying child support, and it wasn't paying for their child they complained about. One had a hard time understanding paying when they had joint custody. He had his child one week and his ex the other week. He paid for the child's insurance and the private school. He bought clothes for his child. In other words he was already paying for the majority of the child's expenses. The only thing he didn't pay for was the food the child ate while with the mother. The mother made as much money as the father, so it was not a hardship on the mother to feed her child. He also didn't complain publicly about it. It was just close friends who knew.
Another complained because even though he was paying his child support he was being kept from his child. There was no reason other than the mother being selfish.
Another complained that even though he paid his child support his ex would constantly come back for more, and would say the power was going to be cut off, or they were out of food, etc., yet the mother would not look for a job, and had money to party with friends.
None of these men were complaining about supporting their children, they were upset with the system they treated them unfairly. I also know it was not them talking bad about their exes, as I knew most of the exes and know they were telling the truth. Two of the men could not afford to hire an attorney to get full custody. The third was still going through the divorce proceedings and knew if he pushed his ex, she would do her best to take his company. When the divorce was finalized, he was going to go back for full custody, and I sincerely hope he gets it.