To work out how much you have to pay is a lengthy process. This cannot be worked out just from asking how much money should be paid out for two children. The amount being paid changes with each circumstance. There are many ways in which the support is worked out and these shall be discussed below.
The amount you will need to pay will depend on your weekly income. The higher you earn, the more you are likely to pay. You are also likely to pay more if you have assets worth more than £65 000. The amount also depends on factors such as how many nights you are with the children and whether you receive any benefits.
The amount being paid may change if you have to pay other expenses, for example, if you keep in contact with your children even if the parent in care has moved far away. The amount will also change if the children who live with you have disabilities or a long-term illness. Other circumstances include if you are paying off a debt from before you split with your partner, as long as it benefitted the family. The amount will also change if you are still paying off the mortgage of your shared family home.
The Child Support Agency (CSA) will answer all of your questions once you have made an application. It even has a calculator so you can know roughly how much you will be spending. However, an application cannot be made if the parent with care or the children are living abroad, or if the non-resident parent lives abroad and do not work for a UK-based employer or work for the armed forces. Contact with the CSA is essential.
The amount you will need to pay will depend on your weekly income. The higher you earn, the more you are likely to pay. You are also likely to pay more if you have assets worth more than £65 000. The amount also depends on factors such as how many nights you are with the children and whether you receive any benefits.
The amount being paid may change if you have to pay other expenses, for example, if you keep in contact with your children even if the parent in care has moved far away. The amount will also change if the children who live with you have disabilities or a long-term illness. Other circumstances include if you are paying off a debt from before you split with your partner, as long as it benefitted the family. The amount will also change if you are still paying off the mortgage of your shared family home.
The Child Support Agency (CSA) will answer all of your questions once you have made an application. It even has a calculator so you can know roughly how much you will be spending. However, an application cannot be made if the parent with care or the children are living abroad, or if the non-resident parent lives abroad and do not work for a UK-based employer or work for the armed forces. Contact with the CSA is essential.