Rights? I don't think so .. You may just have to plead with him (their parental guardian) for visitation priviledges.
I have 4 half brothers & sisters. Moms going through divorce. I helped raise all of my siblings. We're close. My mom has no rights right now (personal reasons). They stay with their dad. He won't let me see them. Could I get any rights to see them?
Are your siblings willing? If they are they should support you in contacting their father. You don't have rights as a family but they have rights to allow anyone they want to see.
From what I've read, as an adult you will have rights to seek visitation of half siblings as long as the father cannot prove that it would be harmful. I'm not sure if you can as a child. Best stay on good terms with the father and see if you can see them that way.
how about speaking with their father, calmly and let him know that you love your siblings and want to remain part of their lives. Pray for calmness and kindness. Don't let the discussion turn into an unwanted argument
Yes you can but your Mom will have to ask the Judge for them for you but Judges hate to separate siblings like this so this should not be a problem. If you need any help, let me know and good luck