
I'm 17 and have always been attracted to men. Lately I've noticed that I get attracted to homosexual women too. It's as if my whole demeanor changes whenever I see one. It makes me curious about my sexuality and very confused. Any advice? Thanks!


5 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

You need to take a step back and really THINK about your self. Take some time to get to know YOU! Right now you are full of hormones. Stay away from all genders! LOVE YOURSELF FIRST..... Then maybe the answer will come to you.

Ray  Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

Advice? Don't invent questions for Q&A sites. And if by any chance it was a serious question, you won't get any worthwhile advice from a bunch of strangers like us.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Anonymous,

There is a very interesting idea out now that human sexuality is not either/or; that we are all on a continuum, and actually very few people are at the extreme ends of exclusively homosexual or heterosexual.

I think the advice of Yin and Yang for you is very good just now.

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Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
"Strange" might be a more appropriate word. :(
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Well Dozy, the Zee actually helped me there, in one of his memorable answers...he said,

"I'm not for everyone."

Prolly applies to both you and me as well!
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Oh, yeah. I've peed off so many people and wondered afterward how I'd managed it so easily. Insensitive, that's me! :(
Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Whenever you SEE one?

How do you know, just by SEEING a woman, what her sexual orientation is?  Answer: You don't.

mary adam Profile
mary adam answered

There is a difference between finding a woman attractive, and wanting to have sexual relations with her.

Gosh, with all these different labels, and lack of guidance, the world is more confused than ever.

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