Bisexual like me.
I'm a girl and I'm very confused about my sexuality. I'm emotionally and romantically attracted to girls but I'm sexually attracted to guys. Is this considered bisexual or something else?
Well Jessi it seems you're bisexual. This makes sense because your into girls romantically, but like most people today you're sexually attracted to the opposite gender. I wish you luck on this difficult situation :)
Whatever label you choose (bisexual, pansexual, hetro-flexible, etc...) is entirely up to you! Labels only exist so we can pick the one that we feel best suits our thoughts and feelings. Do not feel pressured to pick a label, stick with a label, or come out about a label you have chosen. These are highly personal and should be entirely up to you.
Just because you have brought up bisexuality I thought I would explain it. Bisexuality is that the individual is able to be attracted to both genders ( biological male and biological female unlike pansexuality which can be attracted to all gender expressions). This attraction is not always in the same way nor is it always to the same degree.
Girl crushes are totally normal! I thought I was in love with my best friend but she was so mean to me so many times that five months in I decided I wasn't in love with her because she started TELLING PEOPLE I thought I was in love with her and she made me SICK over it. I don't like guys as much as I did three years ago when I was in third grade, but I have a ton of time to make up my mind and so to you. Don't put a lable on yourself until you have been in a serious relationship with a girl and a boy. My best friend is in love with a girl and a guy. The guy she has been texting for four years or something and he goes to our school, but the girl lives halfway across the world, so my best friend can't technically call herself Bisexual yet. Labels don't say EVERYTHING about a person. Good luck!
If there's anyone to give yourself a label it's you. Don't worry what others will think, this is a new era where people aren't judged by their race, sexuality and all that.
You're bisexual.
Romantic attraction can be different from sexual attraction. There are terms for that too like heteroromantic, homoromantic, biromantic, and so on.
I myself identify as a biromantic heterosexual. I've had crushes on girls before but there was no sexual attraction.