Many Chirstian denominations are becoming more open and accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. These denominations usually believe that being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, asexual, ect... Is part of how you were created and, like the Bible says, you were made his His (God's) image.
It's perfectly fine to not be straight--lots of people aren't straight. I was raised in a strict, legalistic version of Christianity that believed if you weren't straight you were doing something wrong. I don't believe that. I would say when you are old enough to find a church that will accept and love you for who you are. Until then, remember that these ultra conservative Christians really aren't following the Bible. After all, the Bible does say not to judge other people or you will be judged and that we are to love each other as God loves each of us.
I would say you can certainly be gay, lesbian, transgendered, pansexual, bisexual, asexual, straight, any sexual orientation and still be a good Christian.