Are you still trying to hold on to the last few hair strands that you have left?


5 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I've got a full head of hair that is getting long ! It's over my ears now. Sure need a haircut ! I'm one of the lucky ones that at my age, I have a full head of hair ! A few people on here that have seen my real picture will attest to that ! :)

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

I have a few hairs that grow on my head and about twice a month i shave them off. What happened to my blonde hair?

6 People thanked the writer.
Zack -  Mr. GenXer
Your blond hair was put out to pasture. So, don't put yourself through any unnecessary pain by holding on to what you got left. Women love a shaved head. I
Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

No, I've still got most of mine left.

"I went to my doctor and asked 'What can you do for falling hair?' He smiled and gave me a paper bag."

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Nah. I still grow enough hair around the sides to make it necessary to go the barber occasionally but I certainly don't have enough to cover the top. It's pretty great: I don't need to comb it any more. (Gotta comb the beard though so I'm not a complete winner.)

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