Why do people always feel the need to find a popular status at schools?


4 Answers

Sophia Tortilla Profile
Sophia Tortilla answered

From years of observing the cooler, more popular kids, i feel like they want popularity because they need acceptance. Somewhere else in their life they have an empty hole where they don't get this acceptance. Or sometimes they want others to "worshiping" them, in a sense, so they can ignore the flaws that may pester them. It's really fascinating. It's also very important to understand that they aren't more/less of a person than anyone else. Everyone has their problems and ways of coping with them.

This is just me speaking from my own 14 yr old mind so I'm no expert on psychology and human behavior.

Ty Hibb Profile
Ty Hibb answered

Youth lack experience in life. Little do they know that 20 years from now none of that will mean a thing. Look at the nerd of all nerds Bill Gates.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

I don't think it's just about 'status' .. I think it's about 'feeling like you belong' or 'fitting in'.  No one 'likes' to be an outcast or dissed on any level.  They are struggling to metamorph from child to adult and that is already an emotionally draining endeavor. 

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