Is it good to play hard to get?


6 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I never understood why one would want to play hard to get. Would it not be better to let a person know what you are feeling, especially if you are already friends with that person? There are ways to tell a person you have feelings for them without sounding desperate or needy or whatever the reason may be. 

Of course, I do not mean that you should be "easy" in any way, just that I think it would be better to say what you are feeling. To answer your question, I feel that playing hard to get is a waste of time for both people. Best of luck, my friend!!

HelpStop AnimalAbuse Profile

Overall I would say "No". If you play hard to get it shows a great level of arrogance & is a real turnoff for guys. It appears that you are superior to others & that the person showing interest in you is not up to your standards & you deserve better.

You can end up with the situation that nobody is interested in you because of your ego & you end up a lonely person.

Bubblicious Bubblicious Profile

It can backfire, along with the possibility of the person moving on.

You don't need to be a stalker however it's never a bad idea to show a little interest.

Angelina Shantu Profile
Angelina Shantu answered
I think hard to get is the way to go.
Christopher Mccann Profile

I would say that honesty is the best policy if you are going to get in a long-term relationship with someone you like make your intention both clear this stops you from wasting time arguing with the other person in the long run and prevent both of you from getting hurt.

If you're honest from the start people are more likely to respect you. Personally I don't apologise for know what I want and going after it. If the person doesn't agree with what your looking for with in the relationship it great because you've made you intention clear from the start and don't need to explain much and can just move on and find someone else who fits what you looking for e.g open relationship, friend with benefits, deep monogamous relationship.

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