
I am in 6th grade and I had a crush on this girl for a while. We share some of the same interests but I don't think she likes me the same way. What do I do?


4 Answers

Mellissa Smith Profile
Mellissa Smith answered

Well in my school everybody knew about everything so you would already know. Maybe you could go up to one of her friends (probably the one who won't tell the whole school you like her) and ask her.

They tell each other that stuff for entertainment so they will know.

If that doesn't work out, just ask her - and if she says no, tell her you were dared or something!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

No! Don't ask and if she says no tell her it was a dare! It's WAY too obvious! I'm a little older than you so I've figured a few things out by now. What you want to do is just start becoming her friend and over time become her best friend. That's when you want to ask her how she feels. And If she doesn't feel the same way, you're still best friends so you're okay.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Just be her friend! Then maybe when you grow up it'll evolve from there. In 6th grade there should be no dating anyway.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

It depends on the girl but if she's anything like the girls in my school (8th grade) she will like a gentleman someone who will laugh at her jokes and help her out whenever. She will love if your confident but not cocky. Ask her out in person instead of a text or call. PUT HER FIRST. Don't put friends or sports first. SHE COMES FIRST. Let everyone know she's yours by holding her hand and hugging her from behind. Just be confident.

Hope this helped :)

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