Why Am I So Moody?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Maybe you are experiencing depression..drastic mood swings can also be a sign of bipolar disorder.
Jennie Lindon-Johnson Profile
Depends on old you are, you might be going through the menopause, but we all get like that some days, and its some times nothing to do with the changes in life, but our lifestyle and our diet.See your doctor and speak to them about the issues. People will always suggest different symptoms, but without talking to your doctor you won't be sure.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If your young like me then it could be because of puberty or because your going through your monthly hormones, but even when its not my 'time of the month' I am still moody because of my HORRIBLE sleeping habits.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I think it is because we (you and me both sista or bro), are easily agitated and easy to get angry. We need anger management! If its not that well i have NO idea then!

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