If that's not something that you enjoy or participate in, then yes I might be a little worried. If he indulges himself in what he enjoys, and you don't agree, there's always going to be issues between you. Sounds like you have some thinking and soul searching to do. Best of luck to you.
My boyfriend gets turned on by women who are extremely adventurous in sex and have multiple partners. Should I be worried? We've been together for 5 years
Honestly.. I don't know why men .. Or women want to have sex with multiple people , even if one is your partner. Your pretty much cheating right in front of them. Right? True love needs to be one on one. Not 10 on 20
I think you need to sit down with your man and have a real heart to heart with him. In my opinion, there are two ways this could go and one isn't going to be a problem...
For example, I have a friend who has a fantasy about being watched while having sex. She tells me that even with a willing partner, she will not do this as she thinks it would ruin a relationship. Also she thinks it will ruin the fantasy for her if it doesn't go as well as it does in her head (if that makes sense).
However, if your boyfriend is secretly craving adventurous women and multiple partners then yes, you really do have a problem. If your boyfriend asks you to join him, I honestly think you will regret it... but this is a decision only you can make.
As someone else said, this is not loving sex in a one to one relationship, this would be sex for the sake of sex, "dirty sex" if you like. I think you would begin to resent yourself for it. The other thing to think about is nasty little viruses that he (and possibly you) could pick up from engaging in casual relationships with multiple partners.
Whatever either of you decide to do, make sure protection is always used.
Hopefully this is just a fantasy that he gets off on, that in itself is not really a problem (unless you see it as one of course). However, if he decides to explore this fantasy in real life, it might be time for you to find someone who will be true to you.
Hopefully this is just a fantasy that he gets off on, that in itself is not really a problem (unless you see it as one of course). However, if he decides to explore this fantasy in real life, it might be time for you to find someone who will be true to you.