
My boyfriend messaged another girl on Facebook. He said some sexual stuff to her. Has he been cheating?


3 Answers

relina blacsmith Profile

Well... It sure seems like it, since you're suppose to be the only girl he's suppose to be sharing sexual things with. So yes, he is.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Robert Howe, answered

I would have to say Yes, also. He may not have been physically cheating, but talking sexual things on Facebook would be pretty close. Confront him about it. Doesn't sound like much of a boyfriend. You might start looking around for a loyal boyfriend.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

It depends what you refer to as cheating. Are you a strict girlfriend, or are you forgiving and more lenient. I for one am a pretty hard on my boyfriend and I consider sexually explicit conversation "cheating". No bed needs to be involved. If he has a sexual desire for someone else, he is being unfaithful to you and may not have been with you for the right reasons to begin with. Do it to him and let him see how it feels, I bet the first word that will fly out of his mouth is "cheater". Good luck!

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