If I dated a bad guy, would he be a bad influence?


1 Answers

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Yes, that would be correct. If you spend time with someone that behaves badly, then it is very likely to rub off on you - especially considering the reason women are attracted to "bad boys" in the first place:

Why women like bad boys

If you believe the popular evolutionary psychology theories of Mark Manson, then guys are biologically designed to find physical appearance attractive, and women naturally find status attractive.

I'm not going to go into the whole biology of it, but the theory goes something like this:

Women like men that exert an air of high social status. This doesn't necessarily mean they drive expensive cars or dress in fancy clothes. Instead - women are subconsciously drawn by the high self-esteem and self-confidence that these men have.

Bad boys match these characteristics quite well. They're too self-obsessed or narrow-minded to worry about other people , let alone what they think of them, so it is easy for a bad boy to appear self-assured or confident.

Add this to the spontaneity and excitement that a bad boy encompasses, and it's easy to see why women might be drawn to this type of personality.

Unfortunately, as your question suggests, it makes women slightly blind to the negative consequences of this type of relationship.

Bad boys don't tend to treat their girlfriends/wives/partners very well, and this can lead to emotional or physical pain. And yet, it's difficult to rationalise a way around it for most women: The same as a guy might blindly agree to everything a stunningly attractive women might ask of him, regardless of the consequences.

Anyway, I've digressed quite a bit.

My point is that, if women really are attracted to bad boys because they admire the sense of higher status, then this will make them more vulnerable to being led astray or influenced in a negative way.

Think of all the drug dealers that use their girlfriends to smuggle cocaine through airports, or gangsters that ask their girlfriends to conceal handguns inside their handbags incase they are stopped and searched.

These girls don't agree to the above because they're treated really well or looked after by their partners, it's more because they are in awe of their machismo an 'swagger'.

However, considering you're only in the 6th grade - I'm hoping you don't have to worry about contraband and handguns just yet... But the same principle applies. You'll be far more likely to make poor decisions while romantically involved with a 'bad boy'.

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