
What is a a sweet paragraph to text my boyfriend?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I wouldn't know  mines an asshole

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

The best way to write a cute or super sweet paragraph to your boyfriend would be to do something original, funny and unexpected.

Guys are not big on showing their emotions, so if you want him to show you how much he loves you and stare into your eyes and tell you sweet things, then you should send him a paragraph that will make him smile or laugh. You can keep it romantic too, but a bit of humor and fun goes a long way!

Sweet paragraph I sent to my boyfriend

cute paragraph to boyfriend example 1

Anecdotes are a must-have when writing a sweet message to your boyfriend. He will be reminded of the lovely time you spent together and how much you mean to him.

For example, you could say something like "remember when we first met..." and then tell him what your first impressions were, and how you loved him since then, but love him EVEN MORE now!

Also, be down to earth. Yes, you may be looking forward to your wedding day and big events like that in the future, but remember it's the small days that count... hanging out on the sofa watching movies, doing grocery shopping together... make it sound like life together will be amazing!

cute paragraph to boyfriend example 2

Finally, guys love it when you show that you really know them and what turns them on etc...

Put details of what you like about him (for example his facial expression or the way he says your name/touches your hair/how he smells).

Compliments are great obviously, but make them personal - NOT GENERIC.

He doesn't want to receive a message that sounds like it's ripped off from an old Valentines Day card, he wants to read YOUR words and feel YOUR emotions.

cute paragraph to boyfriend example 3

Good luck, and feel free to comment if you have any advice or tips of your own too! <333

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