First of, you have to start small. Begin with smiling more and greeting people more often. It may seem awkward and weird at first, but soon you'll get used to it. If people think you're weird at first, that's okay because they're not used to it yet either. They'll soon notice that you seem like a happy and friendly person.
After this, try to initiate conversation. Eavesdropping is actually a good way to know what other people like to talk about. Listen in on some conversations and then determine whether you can talk about what they like. This, as in talking about what other people like to talk about, is a good way to familiarize yourself with others. Before you know it, you'll be friends. It comes naturally for most people and you probably won't have any trouble once the ball is rolling.
Going out with someone is more tricky. There really isn't much you can do for this one because it's hard and it's kind of based on whether you're lucky enough to find someone right now. I'm still trying to figure this all out myself! For this one, just don't expect it and focus on getting friends and it'll come by itself eventually.
Hope this helps.