Will you be able to concentrate in class if your girl/boyfriend is in the same class with you? If not, will you miss them? Will this affect your grades?
If same class yes if not oh well im able to go 90 mins without missing them im over all that bs but it wouldnt effect my grades like i said im over that bs my schooling and my bf are different and if my grades were effected id get a new guy
It wouldn't affect me. I took a course last summer with my girl and we didn't pay attention to anything but we did have a great time! After class I would go off somewhere and study and make sure I wouldn't tell her. So I suggest just make sure you set some time aside so you can focus on your schooling and you should be fine. #Legit
If my husband & I were in the same class in high school - he would've had me laughing so hard doing things to get my attention - we both would've ended up in detention alot. It was a good thing we didn't have classes together because it would've affected my grades and I didn't miss him because we saw each other every day before and after school.