What Do Others Say Is Your Most Annoying Habit?


8 Answers

Dena May Profile
Dena May answered
Anything an adhd person does...interrupt people...zone out what they said...not pay attention....all the severe symptoms. I don't mind them getting frustrated as I have to realize they do not understand. I also twist a part of my hair when nervous that annoys some. I like to be included in conversations...that annoys a lot. Could go on. I like myself so I don't really let it get me down just try to change the things I can and able to so that it makes me a better person. The hair thing I refuse to change. It soothes me!!
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Penny Kay
Penny Kay commented
My son when an infant, could not sleep w/out twirling a strand of my then long hair in his fingers. Sometimes right up to the skalp, which hurt. I got him a cabbage patch bath baby with brown hair hoping that would do, but no, it wasn't the same. When i am stressed I pull at my hair. I don't like to be left out of conversations either, and I am glad you like you, we sure do!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I pick at my fingers and make them peel, and when my lips are really chapped I pick at them too. My teachers in school hated my voice since it could carry across the room even at a whisper. My choir teacher loved my voice I could sing over the whole group if needed.
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Penny Kay
Penny Kay commented
Soulmates! I was once issued a warning by a techer that while I WAS whispering, the quality of my voice still carried through the whole lirary, if you stick me between 2 good singers in a group I can keep the tune and it carries like a microphone.
Omer Butt Profile
Omer Butt answered
Doesn't matter how hard I try my voice cannot be lowered(But never ever rude),
Also, my voice is too soft(Hmmm... People really don't mind it-LOL!)
Can't understand gestures easily,
My Friends and Family hates it when I cannot be strict(or a bit rude) at times, to not let other get advantage of me!

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Penny Kay
Penny Kay commented
Yes I too have been accused of having that awful curse, TOO NICE!
Lena JH
Lena JH commented
A lot of teachers and adults get annoyed with me because I have a soft voice too
suman kumar Profile
suman kumar answered
Most of the people complain about "Me not being open". Because i don't show my emotions or feelings very quickly. I try to be to myself. When happy I share, when in sorrow i keep it to myself.
nettie Profile
nettie answered
Shaking or rocking the leg when going to sleep,and talking,almost always have something to offer in a conversation.
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Penny Kay
Penny Kay commented
OMG. My spouse gets so upset about the leg thing. And yes, i am sure you know by now, that I gotta have a say. I hate the secretiveness too.
Lena JH Profile
Lena JH answered
2 things- 1 people complain about, the other they joke about but I know it bothers them.
1- I tend to keep a lot to myself, I'm not an open person, sometimes even with close friends. You have to be really really close to me and have that kind of connection with me for me to tell you almost anything. This I know people get annoyed by.
2- I zone out a lot during the day for no reason. I don't know...it's not even always because I'm stressed, sometimes I get bored and just get lost in my own little world. This has resulted in me not paying attention to friends, to me not saying hi to people I walk past because I really don't see them, etc. My friends joke about it all the time but I think it bothers them.
thanked the writer.
Penny Kay
Penny Kay commented
Hello sister, I am now told i am in that club. It is hereditary w me. I passed my mother both of us makingleft turns at the same intersection, and I am frantically waving and honking and she, eyes fixed forward did not even notice. When people do that my spouse takes it personnal, i keeptelling him, people are thinking about a million things besides him, and that they did not notice. Wish everyone could read this answer.
Lena JH
Lena JH commented
Lol! Yeah I'm pretty bad though. I mean, I can still function and do what I need to be doing (like taking notes in class, walking without tripping or running into things, etc) but when it comes to people around me it's like I block them out. Haha, I rarely ever notice when I'm doing it either
roniece wright Profile
roniece wright answered
My most annoying habit to  other people is that I ask alot of questions especially on just one subject
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Penny Kay
Penny Kay commented
I am always digging into history and looking at that perspective, and one thing that I have found most people hate, is history. So I know what you mean.

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