I think first impressions are important enough but, a first impression isn't really enough to know what someone is about. Sometimes people can act a certain way when they are in certain company or in a certain situation. This doesn't necessarily mean that the impression you got this first time is who they really are. A person can easily be under or overestimated by a first impression. I will take my first impression of someone into consideration, but I won't form an opinion until I really get to know them.
Some say I am easy to talk to, and I know I am full of useless info.... I can't rightfully answer that in a way since I don't see myself from others point of view...
That's hard to say, have to be able to read minds! Ha! Well, I always try to smile at others when there's the eye contact...Wouldn't want to be considered as unfriendly...I usually will start up some kind of conversation to a perfect stranger! My husband tells me that I'm too friendly! Well, I try to tone it down---
----a little bit. Not easy...love you! Cyndi
----a little bit. Not easy...love you! Cyndi
Based on what I hear people say about their first impressions of people they see and meet, I would have to say that people concentrate on physical and materialistic things alone. Not only that, but they make judgments about you based on that. If someone happened to see me on a bummy day (sweats, beat up sneakers, a hoodie) they would assume I always am dressed like this and do not care about my appearance. It sounds unbelievable but I hear people think aloud like this so... That is why I try not to judge by first impressions alone.
They probably want to get to know you unless they are shy or they don't like how you like
People either think I'm shy and nice, mostly adults, or they think I'm funny and loud. =P haha