Do you prefer hugs or handshakes when first meeting someone?


13 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

Handshakes! I'm not a huggy or a physical person. When we meet it must be as little physical contact as possible. Well, unless you're a beautiful woman, then I'll make an exception.

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

Handshakes are better when first meeting someone. After that if a woman initiates a hug, that is fine. Only handshakes from the dudes.

HappyTo BeHereTo Profile

Handshakes when we first meet.  But beware, if I meet any of my Blurtit Buddies in person you're getting a big bear hug!

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

When I first meet someone I'm a handshake kinda gal....I can tell a lot from a handshake, usually someone with a limp handshake is not someone I spend much time with. Hugs? I love hugging!

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

In most of the Middle East (excepting Israel) the standard form of greeting for someone you know reasonably well is a manhug. It's a bit disconcerting at first, but you get used to it like a handshake.

I was on an exhibition stand in Birmingham a few years ago, when the entire team from the Egyptian end of a joint effort (with my lot from America) turned up. I was serially hugged by about 15 huge Arabs in front of the rest of the booth (who couldn't quite work out what was going on). I got used to manhugs when working with Arabs quite quickly after that.

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Handshakes i prefer but i won't have problem if someone approach with hugs, i'm pretty warm kind of person that do socialize and contact friendly but in formal environment of course everybody expects only handshakes otherwise it'll be real awkward.

Perry Nuttal Profile
Perry Nuttal answered

Depends if they look like the sort of person who washes their hands after going to the bathroom

4 People thanked the writer.
Ray Dart
Ray Dart commented
Hey, I've had people in Africa and Arabia hug me who looked as if they didn't understand "bathroom". I'm still alive.
Perry Nuttal
Perry Nuttal commented
Did they squeeze your bottom? :D
I read that kissing someone on the cheek is more hygienic than shaking their hand.
Kioyre S. Profile
Kioyre S. answered

I don't mind at all. Almost everyone in Brazil (or rather, Latin America!) is VERY physical in terms of greetings. I had to adjust to hugging people even when I first met them, independent of their sex or even how long you've known the person, lol. Men hug men sometimes, too! However, women tend to hug way more often! But we all hug in Brazil! Handshakes are typically seen as more formal.

When I meet someone through another person, it's pretty much ALWAYS a hug, regardless of who they are. If I'm JUST meeting a person (rare occasion), it's usually a handshake, but not always!

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

I don't really ever hug people I don't know well already, so I probably won't be hugging someone I just met.

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